Atlas of Ultrasound-Guided Procedures in Interventional Pain Management

The BEST book fully devoted to the rapidly expanding field of ultrasound-guided pain medicine. Written by the world’s authorities, includes countless images, ultrasound-guided procedures, and indications. Plus – it is regularly enhanced by the PocketEDU e-Learning system, and NYSORA’s illustrations and animations. Read or Listen.

Material from: 'Samer Narouze, Atlas of Ultrasound-Guided Procedures in Interventional Pain Management, published in 2010 by Springer reproduced with permission of SNCSC'.

Author: Samer Narouze
429 subscribers

E-book content

Intra-Articular Injections
Trigger Point and Muscular Injections
Zygapophyseal and Medial Branch Blocks
Epidural Blocks
Sympathetic Blocks
Combined US and CT/Fluoroscopy
Basic Principles of B-Mode US
Generation of Ultrasound Pulses
Ultrasound Wavelength and Frequency
Ultrasound-Tissue Interaction
Recent Innovations in B – Mode Ultrasound
Frequency and Probe Selection
Time Gain Compensation
Color Doppler
Power Doppler
Compound Imaging
Tissue Harmonic Imaging
Optimization Button
Freeze Button and Image Acquisition
Training and Phantom Simulation
High-Fidelity Simulation
Combined Ultrasound and Fluoroscopic Phantom Simulators
Procedural Needle: Related Visibility Factors
Acoustic Impedance as the Basis for Procedure Needle Visualization
Size (Gauge) of the Procedure Needle and Its Echogenicity
The Skin Insertion Site Selected and Angle of Procedure Needle Passage
Echogenic Procedure Needles
Procedure Needle Tip
The Ultrasound Device and Procedure Needle Visibility
Impact of Various Sonographic Modes on Procedure Needle Visibility
Frequency of the Ultrasound Probe (AKA Depth) Acoustic Power and Gain
Time Gain Compensation and Harmonic Imaging
Brightness, Motion, and Doppler Modes
3D and 4D Ultrasound Imaging
Recent Advances in Ultrasound Imaging and Procedure Needle Visibility
Needle-Probe Alignment
“In-Plane” and “Out-Of-Plane” Needle Approach: Classical Probe-Needle Interpositions
Oblique Plane Needle Approach for Ultrasound-Guided Pain Management
Biplane Needle Imaging Approach for Ultrasound-Guided Pain Management
Mechanical and Optical Procedure Needle Guides
Advanced Procedure Needle Positioning Systems
The “ART” of Scanning for Better Procedure Needle Visualization
Ergonomics for Better Procedure Needle Visibility
Enhancement and Techniques to Improve Procedure Needle Localization
Enhancement with Priming, Insertion of Stylet or Guide Wire, and Vibration
Hydrolocalization of the Procedure Needle
Procedure Needle Visibility by Agitated Solutions or with Ultrasound Contrast Agents
Localization of the Procedure Needle Tip with the Aid of Nerve Stimulation
Cervical Spine
Thoracic Spine
Lumbar Spine
Sonoanatomy of the Cervical Spine: Superficial
Sonoanatomy of the Cervical Spine: Deep
Sonoanatomy of the Thoracic Spine: Superficial
Sonoanatomy of the Thoracic Spine: Deep
Sonoanatomy of the Lumbar Spine: Superficial
Sonoanatomy of the Lumbar Spine: Deep
Sonoanatomy of the Sacrum and Sacroiliac Joint: Superficial
Sonoanatomy of the Sacrum and Sacroiliac Joint: Deep
Indications for Cervical Medial Branch Block
Why Ultrasound-Guided Facet Nerve Block? The Literature and our Experience
Possible Advantages of Ultrasound for Cervical Facet Nerve Blocks
Limitations of Ultrasound
Ultrasound-Guided Technique for TON and Cervical Medial Branch Block
Identifying the Correct Level: Method 1
Identifying the Correct Level: Method 2
Practical Performance of Block
Indications for Cervical Zygapophyseal Joint Intra-Articular Injection
Literature Review of Ultrasound-Guided Cervical Facet Injections
Ultrasound-Guided Technique for Cervical Facet Intra-Articular Injection
Posterior Approach
Limitations of the Fluoroscopy-Guided Techniques
Literature Review and Advantages of Ultrasound-Guided Cervical Nerve Root Block
Identification of Small Critical Vessels
Why Ultrasound?
Sonoanatomy of the Cervical Spine and Identification of the Cervical Level
Ultrasound-Guided Technique for Cervical Selective Nerve Root Block
Mechanism of Blockade
Techniques of TPVB
Ultrasound-Guided TPVB
Sonoanatomy Relevant for TPVB
Techniques of USG TPVB

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